2.3 – The Valentine Release

2.3 Release

Well, it’s nearly the big V-Day itself, so what better way to show my appreciation to Datafeed Studio users than a new version all ready for download?

Mainly just a few bug fixes and cosmetic changes this time around that I wanted to make public before working on some new features.

Without further ado, the changes for 2.3 :

  • added simple file locking mechanism around the feed import process to stop simultaneous imports (a bad thing!).If you are upgrading you *must* add the following line after the first mention of $DATAFILE_FOLDER in your main config.inc file (inside admin/includes).

    $LOCK_FILE = $DATAFILE_FOLDER . “/import.lck”;

  • corrected scaling (aspect ratio) of images when displaying products
  • cosmetic change – moved top pagination links below category blurb when displaying categories
  • opened up analytic tracking so you can insert your own tracking script (e.g. Mint, Piwik), instead of a Google Analytics ID on sites. Note – you will need to enter the script code for any existing sites you have that are just using the Google Analytics ID in the Site Editor settings.
  • changed store modern theme display product pages to have anchored titles, best price link and review headers for increased SEO.
  • fixed bug where upper pagination page value was incorrect for dynamic categories
  • improved automatic cleanup of feed descriptions

Too upgrade from 2.2 you can just extract this Zip over your existing installation of you haven’t made any custom modifications. Otherwise backup your custom changes before unzipping.

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