Archive for May, 2008

Custom Product Support

Datafeed Studio now supports the addition of custom products for situations when you wish to add products to a database that for one reason or another don’t exist in a merchants datafeed. One great alternate use for custom products is for creating affiliate sites with completely unique content. Instead of using the information that comes […]

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Price Comparing a Product

Certain Datafeed Studio niche online store themes take advantage of the “Price Compare this Product?” input field that is available when you edit a product. Normally, when you build a niche online store using Datafeed Studio it is in traditional “one product, one merchant” mode, i.e. the application displays the product information directly as it […]

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Welcome to Datafeed Studio

Welcome to the blog for Datafeed Studio – a great new tool for creating multiple affiliate web sites. This blog will document Datafeed Studio tips’n’tricks, highlight new themes and sites created with the application, and keep you up to date with all new releases. If you own Datafeed Studio (thanks!) then it is strongly recommended that […]

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