Archive for the 'Releases' Category

Datafeed Studio V3.4 Released

This is maintenance release with several bugs quashed. Full changelog : – fixed bug during Export process that prevented exporting to target categories that contained ampersands – added check to diagnostics.php for presence of cURL library – fixed bug where custom products with a merchant set would be incorrectly removed during import – fixed bug […]

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Datafeed Studio v3.3 Released

Datafeed Studio v3.3 is now available to download. Keep reading for more information on what’s new in this release. Export Site Custom Fields If you are a user of the ‘Export Site’ site type (where you can export products from your database into posts on a compatible CMS, e.g. WordPress) then you’ll be pleased to […]

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Datafeed Studio V3.2 Released

V3.2 of Datafeed Studio is now available to download. This version has several bug fixes (see below for full details) and also introduces a new ‘Auto Products’ feature, initially for the Amazon and Affiliate Window networks. Note that this release also requires you to register any sites that access your Datafeed Studio installation (e.g. API […]

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V3.1 Released – Geolocation, WordPress searching and more

This new release sees the addition of Geolocation, WordPress searching and several bug fixes. Geolocation Support Datafeed Studio now allows you to serve up different price comparison listing results based on the country of your site visitor. To enable this each feed can now be associated with a country (zone) – and only feeds that […]

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Datafeed Studio V3 Released

Datafeed Studio V3 is out now and ready for download. Existing customers should note that a V2 license is not compatible – see end of post for more details! Price Boxes DS V3 sees big changes around the way price comparison listings (now named ‘Price Boxes’) work, both under the covers and the way they […]

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Datafeed Studio V2.8.1 Released – User Field Support

This is a smaller incremental release after the big API changes of V2.8. The main new feature is the addition of User Fields. Previously when mapping a feeds columns to the Datafeed Studio database format you were restricted to the fixed set of common fields, e.g. name, price, description, etc. with no scope for supporting […]

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Datafeed Studio V2.8 Released with Web Service API and User Functions

Apart from a couple of minor bug fixes, the main thrust of this 2.8 release is the introduction of a Web Service (REST) API that allows you to access your products remotely. Product API The first client of the new API is the Datafeed Studio WordPress plugin. The upshot is that you can now access […]

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V2.7.1 Released – Custom Fields, Sexy Searching and Flexible Imports

Datafeed Studio V2.7.1 is now ready to download. New in this release is support for custom fields, more flexibility around the import process – and some sexy new options for the WordPress plugin (and searching in general). Custom Fields Custom fields allow you to associate ‘key value’ pairs against the products in your database, e.g. […]

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V2.7.0 Released – API Days

V2.7.0 is now available to download. This version has some major new features over the previous version, including : API Support for Affiliate Window (Shop Window V3) and Commission Junction. a GUI for the main configuration file Support for Amazon used prices Simple spam filtering (‘human test’) for user reviews now uses libcurl instead of […]

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Datafeed Studio V2.6 Released

Yep – V2.6 is out the door and ready for download 🙂 This is a major release if you use the “affiliate store” system of Datafeed Studio as the application now finally supports subcategories and automatic SEO friendly URLs of categories and products. What took me so long? Well, personally, I always try to go […]

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