Archive for the 'Releases' Category

V2.5 Released – CJ, Create-A-Feed and WordPress Shortcode Support

I am pleased relieved (!) to announce the release of Datafeed Studio v2.5. WordPress Shortcode Support Lots of new goodies in this new version, but my favourite has to be WordPress shortcode support. Huh? Well, you may remember the last release included the debut of a WordPress datafeed plugin, allowing you to display the products […]

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New Update : WordPress Plugin, Affiliate Future support and Click Reference tracking

Datafeed Studio V2.4 has been released and contains some nice shiny goodies 🙂 New for this release is the introduction of a handy WordPress plugin so you can display ‘price compare boxes’ (content units) within the pages or posts of your WordPress blog using products that are in your personal Datafeed Studio product database. See […]

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2.3 – The Valentine Release

Well, it’s nearly the big V-Day itself, so what better way to show my appreciation to Datafeed Studio users than a new version all ready for download? Mainly just a few bug fixes and cosmetic changes this time around that I wanted to make public before working on some new features. Without further ado, the […]

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Datafeed Studio v2.2 – Automatic Price Compare/ Amazon Lookups

A new month, a new release of Datafeed Studio. 2.2 has a host of new features to make your affiliate life easier, and a few back-end fixes to make things tick along faster, especially if you your product database comes in at around the million product mark. First of all, let’s get on to the […]

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Datafeed Studio v2.1 – The ‘Meep Meep’ Release!

Whilst building my latest affiliate store for console bundles using Datafeed Studio I decided to add some new features to the application. The main new feature is cache support across all the affiliate sites and pages created by Datafeed Studio. By setting the $CACHE_TIME_IN_SECONDS value in the main configuration file you can specify how long […]

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Datafeed Studio V2.0 Released

Ch-ch-ch-changes! From V2 there is no PHP code in the Datafeed Studio templates! This should be great news for template designers, as it is now much easier to modify the templates in an HTML editor of your choice without worrying about accidentally altering the obtrusive PHP code. Technically Datafeed Studio now uses the great PHPTAL […]

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New Admin UI, Integrated Help

It might only be a point release, but today’s release of v1.7.1 of Datafeed Studio is quite a major overhaul of the back-end administration UI, improving the usability and look’n’feel of the whole operation. As well as the swish new UI, there are now integrated help links within the application that replace the need for […]

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Got Content?

Today sees the release of v1.7 of Datafeed Studio. “So what?” you cry. Well, what about these killer features? the ability to add static content pages to your stores with the built-in WYSIWYG editor the ability to add a blog to your sites to keep your visitors informed with the latest news about your product […]

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New Release with GUI Settings Editor

I’m very pleased to announce the release of v1.6.5 of Datafeed Studio. This release comes with a major new feature – a GUI Settings editor for your sites, no more editing the PHP configuration files in order to get the site you want. To try out this new feature, log into the demo (, username […]

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Datafeed Studio v1.6.4 Released

Yep – a new release! This is a mix of some fairly minor bug fixes and usability improvements on the admin side. The most useful addition are two new datafeed filters, that allow you to Prepend or Append your own content strings to any field in a feed, e.g. adding your own suffix to an […]

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